Custom styling

How you can align YouProvide with your firm's look and feel

Within YouProvide, there are several options available to align the appearance of the PBC list with your office's identity. Some of these options are included in various subscription plans. This page provides an overview of all the possibilities.

Basic subscription

Firm Name

The office name you set is used in the emails sent when sharing a Project or List with clients.


The set logo is displayed at the top of the screen for office employees and client users. Additionally, it is placed in the header of the emails sent from YouProvide. If you do not set a logo, the YouProvide logo will be automatically used.

Professional subscription

Accent Color

The accent color can be found throughout the application on links and buttons. Choosing a color that complements your logo enhances the connection with your office's identity. Keep in mind that the text on the buttons will always be displayed in white. The button color should not be too dark. Specify the color using a HEX color code. You can immediately see how it looks next to the sample button. Various tools are available online to convert a color from, for example, RGB to HEX, such as:

Sender email address

All emails sent by YouProvide have the sender email address "". Therefore, if the recipient replies to it, nothing will be done.

It is possible for your office to use its own sender email address, such as "".

Spam control!
To ensure proper email delivery, more steps are required than just entering the desired email address. All emails are sent from the same server, and receiving mail servers will want to verify if that server is authorized to send emails from your office's domain.

To accomplish this, a rule needs to be added to the DNS of your office domain. Your IT department can assist with this. Please reach out to to coordinate the correct settings for your office. Once this is done, you can input the desired sender email address.

Email layout template

Files sent from YouProvide have a fixed header and footer. The content in between is determined by the type of message and the recipient's language.

You can customize the layout of this email for your office. This process is very precise, so we recommend doing it in consultation with YouProvide.

Download the default mail template: Default mailtemplate