Exporting and importing templates

How you can export a template to Excel, or import sections and items from Excel into an existing template.

Sometimes, when working on your templates, you find that parts of a template can be reused in another, new or existing, template.

Using Excel, you can easily copy sections and items between templates.

It is also a practical way if you want to translate templates, or otherwise subject them to major maintenance.

Exporting a template

In the template management window you'll find a menu button right above the sections list. Select Export template:

An Excel file will be downloaded. It contains all sections and items from the current template.

Importing items into a template

You can use exported templates to import items into other (or new) templates.

Add or update

When importing sections and items, the system decides whether to insert new or update existing sections or items. This depends on the code for the section or item in the Excel sheet:

  • If a section in the Excel sheet has a SectionCode that already exists in the template, the existing section will be updated with the Name and Description from the Excel sheet.
  • If a section in the Excel sheet has a new, unique SectionCode or no SectionCode, it will be added into the template. The sequence is determined from the SectionSequence property in the Excel sheet.
  • If an item in the Excel sheet has an ItemCode that already exists within the target section in the template, the existing item is updated with the Name, Description and AllowMultiple Files from the Excel sheet.
  • If an item in de Excel sheet has a new ItemCode that not yet exists within the target section, or has no ItemCode, it will be added in the target section. The position is determined based on the ItemSequence in de Excel sheet. So, items in different sections can have the same ItemCode without being mixed or confused.


Data from an Excel sheet can be imported if the Excel sheet has the correct column names. The sequence of columns is not important. Also, any columns with other names will be ignored. When the value of a column is longer than the system can handle, it will be truncated.

Columns and max lengths in YouProvide:

  • SectionSequence (3)
  • SectionCode (10)
  • SectionName * (100)
  • SectionDescription (1000)
  • ItemSequence (3)
  • ItemCode (10)
  • ItemName * (100)
  • ItemDescription (1000)
  • ItemAllowMultipleFiles * (TRUE/FALSE)

Empty Excel template sheet

You may use the following Excel sheet as a starting point for creating a new template file:

Empty template import file

Default templates

For a fast-tracked implementation you may use one or more of the default templates supplied by YouProvide as a service. These files can be imported directly into new, empty templates: