Exporting and importing users

How you can use export and import functions to easily transfer user data or perform maintenance

Office employees with the authorization to add and remove users (role: UserManager) have the ability to utilize the export and import features via Excel sheet:

Exporting Users

This feature allows you to download an Excel sheet containing all users associated with the account (firm), including employees and client users.

The Excel sheet includes the following information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Display Name
  • Email
  • User Type: Tenant (office employee) or Client
  • Phone Number (currently not used)
  • Is Active (TRUE/FALSE)
  • Language (0=English, 1=Dutch)
  • External Sign-in (TRUE/FALSE): TRUE indicates that the user authenticates through their own Microsoft Azure AD.
  • Active Projects: Number of non-archived projects the user is linked to
  • Roles: the role(s) assigned to the user

Importing Users

There are various reasons why you may want to import a list of users:

  • Setting up all required users in the system immediately upon implementing YouProvide in the office
  • Converting from a previous version of YouProvide
  • Batch updating users who can be set to inactive.

Please note: You can only create accountancy employees via the import feature. Existing client users can be updated, but creating new client users is not possible.

Creating a new user or updating user data

When importing, the system determines whether a new employee needs to be added or if an existing user should be updated based on the email address provided.


The tab to be imported must be named: User

This tab should contain the following columns (the order of these columns does not matter; it is also okay to have additional columns):

  • First Name *
  • Last Name *
  • Display Name *
  • Email *
  • Is Active * (TRUE/FALSE)
  • Language * (0=English, 1=Dutch)

* = mandatory value

You can download a blank Excel sheet with the required structure here:

Users Import sheet