Monitoring progress

How you stay informed on progress made by clients in submitting files

Once a project or list has been shared with the client, you'll want to be able to track progress and see how far along things are.

Various indicators are available for this purpose.


On your homepage, you can quickly see the status of the different lists you are involved in:

Here you can find the following information:

Projects marked with a star will be included in your daily or weekly update emails.

Concept: there are currently no lists shared with the client in the project

Shared: 1 or more lists in the project have been shared with the client

The colored cards indicate whether there are comments or uploads, and how recently they were added.

The lighter the color, the longer it has been since the last comment/upload.

Comments are only shown if the client made the last comment on an item. These are situations where you, as an accountant, need to respond.

The number in the cards represents the total number of comments/uploads in that project.

This indicates the number of items currently in the project that are marked as returned status.

The progress bar displays the status of file uploads. In this example, there are 2 items marked as completed (accepted), 5 items in progress (at least 1 file uploaded or marked as not available), and 21 items that have not been started. You can see the color difference in the blue sections of the progress bar.

Note: for the client, the submitted status is displayed under completed in the progress bar. For the client, submitted is the final status.


On the project page, the progress is further detailed:

The progress block displays the totals across all lists in the project.

For each list, the progress of that specific list is visible:


On the statistics tab, you can see how the submission progress evolves over time for each list:

You can switch between displaying uploaded files or when items are submitted by the client in the graph. If there is a deadline for the list, it will be shown as a red dashed line in the graph.

Additionally, the statistics track the number of items that have ever been returned or submitted after the deadline.