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  2. For firms providing services

Moving to the new YouProvide version

Steps for an optimal implementation of the new YouProvide in your organization


  • The new version operates independently from the current version. They are not linked in any way.
  • The current version will be deactivated at the end of December 2024. We recommend starting to create new lists in the new version from February 2024.
  • No duplicate costs will be charged.
  • There are options available for transferring users and lists from the current to the new version.

Start the transfer? Download the step-by-step instructions!

Current and new versions

Different links (URLs) apply to the current and new versions:

The button at the top right of the YouProvide website directs you to a page where you can select which version to log in to.

You can use the current and new versions in different tabs of the same browser. There are no conflicts with authentication, etc.

Phasing out the current version

The current version will be deactivated at the end of December 2024. Keep this in mind when creating lists. Lists expected to last beyond December 2024 should be created in the new version.

Therefore, we recommend starting to create lists in the new version of YouProvide by February 2024.

No new lists can be created in the current version from June 17, 2024 onwards.


You firm will receive separate invoices for the use of both the old and new versions. The old version will be invoiced at the rates that were in effect in 2023.

The new version will be invoiced at the current rates listed on the website: https://youprovide.nl/prices

To avoid double billing of fixed monthly amounts, the fixed monthly fee will be invoiced from the new version, depends on the selected subscription. In the new version, users can download a monthly invoice specification from the office settings menu.

Data Transfer

It is possible to transfer data from the current version to the new version.

TIP: This could be a good opportunity to optimize the setup and clean up user lists!

The transfer involves the following components:

  • Users - export from the current version, import into the new version
  • Templates - create in the new version (you may request an export from current templates through support@youprovide.nl)
  • Projects - export and import list groups per client for continuity


In the current version, you can easily export user data to Excel from the Users menu:

Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 16.20.16

Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 16.12.35

Do not modify the columns of this spreadsheet; it can be imported into the new version in this way.

Check the name; the column DisplayName is new, for the new version's benefit.

  • UserType: indicates whether it is an employee (Tenant) or client (Client). Only employees can be imported into the new version.
  • Delete all rows of users that do not need to be transferred.
  • Roles will not be transferred. Each user will be assigned the default User role. Additional roles can be added manually where applicable.

NOTE: Users without a last name, or with multiple email addresses, will result in an error during import. Resolve this in the Excel sheet before importing.

The Users Excel sheet can be imported into the new version in the Users menu:

Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 16.17.23

  • Only users with UserType = Tenant will be imported.
  • New users will be created as office workers with the User role. Roles from the Excel sheet will not be transferred.
  • Newly created users will not receive an email confirmation of this action.
  • If a user already exists with the same email address, their name will be updated to match the name in the imported Excel sheet.

Clients and projects

If desired, it is possible to transfer existing lists from the current version to the new version. This can be useful if you:

  • Had prepared the list in the current version but have not shared it yet
  • Want to transfer an archived list from a client to the new version to use as a starting point next year in the new version (roll forward)

The export from the current version is done per list group (in the new version: project):

Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 16.25.58

To import data successfully into the new version, it is necessary that:

  • The Client has a customer code
  • The different entities of the Client have their own, unique customer code for this client

NOTE: List groups can always be exported, regardless of the status. However, ongoing activities (uploads, statuses, comments) will not be exported. The list will always be transferred as a new, blank list.

In the downloaded Excel sheet, you will find the following data:

  • Client: the details of the Client and its associated entities
  • Project: the details of the list group
  • Lists: a tab for each list (=entity) in the list group with the complete list

NOTE: Make sure to review the lists in the Excel sheet carefully. If there are sections with the same code, or some have a code and some don't, the import will be cancelled. This might also be a good opportunity to update the codes for sections and/or items. Or to replace fiscal years in descriptions with the year code {yyyy} for the new version.

This Excel sheet can be imported into the new version as follows:

Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 16.36.52

  • A new client will be created, including the entities in the list.
  • If a client with the same code already exists, it will be updated.
  • A new project will be created with the lists as shown in the spreadsheet.
  • The status of the project and lists will be transferred from the Excel sheet.
  • The user performing the import will be linked to the project but not to the client.