Sharing a List with colleagues

Invite colleagues to assist in uploading files for a complete project, a list, or specific sections.

When assigned a project requiring file submissions, you have the option to delegate certain parts to your colleagues. Not everyone needs to have access to or submit everything, which is why you can set up very detailed access permissions within the lists.

The structure of a project

When tasked with submitting documents, it is organized by project, which consists of one or more lists related to the same assignment. Typically, each entity within the organization has its own list. For example:


In this example, the project for the Year-End Audit consists of 3 lists, each corresponding to 3 entities within the Bakery Fresh Group.


A List consists of 1 or more sections:


And a Sections consists of 1 or mre items for which you can submit files:


In short

  • Project
    • List A
      • Section 1
        • Item(s)
      • Section 2
        • Item(s)
      • ...
    • List B
      • Section 1
        • Item(s)
      • Section 2
        • Item(s)
      • ...

Sharing projects with colleagues

There are two ways to share a project, or parts of it, with your colleagues:

  1. Using the "share" button (for project and list)
  2. Using the user list (for project, list, section, and item)

Sharing via the button

When utilizing the button, you can send an email to your colleague, providing them with an immediate link to the correct list. Additionally, during this process, a new user is automatically created if they do not already exist.

Use the search box to select an existing colleague or enter the email address of a new user. Then, click Next to compose the email.

The system has already prepared a default email message for you. You can customize it as needed, or leave it as is.

Click Share to send the email. This will automatically add the user to the user list (see continuation).

Sharing via the user list

When sharing via the user list, you can only choose from colleagues who are already created in YouProvide. It's a quick way to link multiple colleagues to a list, section, or item at once. Or to remove them.

Users will not receive an email notification about this.

In the search box, you can select multiple users to be added to the list. You can also easily remove users who no longer need access.

Access to sensitive information

By sharing projects, lists, or parts thereof with colleagues using the methods described above, your colleagues will only have access to the parts shared with them.

This allows you to protect confidential parts, such as sensitive information and files. Each individual can upload, view, and download the required files in "their respective parts," but not those of other parts.


Users with the ClientAdmin role can always download all prepared files, even if they are not linked to a list, section, or item.