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2024 version compared to previous

How the new 2024 version differs from the previous YouProvide version

Account Settings

A new feature in YouProvide is the Account Settings menu option, where you, as a office user, can easily manage necessary settings based on your chosen subscription plan (refer to the Subscriptions chapter).

This includes your office name, logo, sender email, subscription, and downloading invoice specifications.


The Model Lists in YouProvide are now called Templates. We have made some optimizations:

  • Section and item codes are always visible
  • Descriptions can be longer and have formatting options
  • Dynamic year fields can now be included in names and descriptions, based on the project's engagement year. {yyyy} represents the engagement year, {yyyy-2} for 2 years prior, etc.
  • Files that accountants typically include with an Item are no longer called Model Lists, but Attachments
  • The Edit as batch option has been replaced with import/export via Excel file
  • An additional navigation has been added to easily browse through the Sections:



Customers or Customer Groups in YouProvide are now referred to as Clients. The structure has been improved: a Client always has 1 or more related Entities. The name of the "group" may differ from the names of the Entities (as shown in the example below):


  • Client code is always visible
  • Clients also have a description field (with formatting options)
  • Entities also have a client code
  • Entities do not have address details
  • When creating a new Client, the first Entity is automatically created

The client card has been redesigned, showing tab pages for:

  • Projects: all current and historical projects of the Client
  • Users: the users (firm and client) linked to the Client
  • Company information: address details and Entities


When creating a YouProvide List for a client, you select an Template and 1 or more entities of that client. An instance of the selected Template is then created for each of the entities within the Project.

The distinction between Basic and Advanced lists no longer exists. Throughout 2022, we observed a decrease in the usage of Basic lists. This, combined with the limited functionalities of the Basic list (security, comments, audit trail, files being able to be downloaded by clients), led to the decision to no longer include the Basic list in the new version.

  • Each list within the Project can have its own deadline.
  • The Project description offers formatting options.
  • At the project level, you can immediately see an overview of the progress of all lists together.
  • For each individual list, you can see if there are recent comments or file uploads.
  • The Statistics tab provides a historical overview of each list in the Project.
  • An audit trail in Excel format can be downloaded for each list.
  • You can mark a project with a star to receive email updates only for those projects.
  • The project's engagement year can be utilized as a merge field in the names and descriptions of the Project, Lists, Sections, and Items (in the Professional subscription).
  • Enhanced audit trail capabilities (sharing with clients, uploading/downloading files, adding/editing items).


The functionality of Lists has remained largely unchanged. After creating a new Project, you can still customize the list for each Entity before sharing it with the client.

  • You can apply formatting to the description of a List.
  • The progress of the entire List is displayed.
  • Each List can have its own deadline.
  • Section codes are always visible.
  • Descriptions of Sections are always visible.
  • Sections are color coded according to the least progressed item in that section
  • You can see if there have been recent comments or file uploads for each Section.
  • When adding new Items to a shared List, they are marked as Concept and are not visible to the client. The status must be changed to Shared first.


For Clients

A new homepage has been designed for clients, clearly displaying ongoing projects:

Furthermore, the screens for the Client are quite similar to those of the accountant.

Changes to Project Overview

  • In the sections overview, a Submit button is displayed on each section where Items are ready for submission.
  • Each section shows whether there have been recent comments or file uploads.

Changes to Item Details

  • Information organized in tabs.
  • Navigation arrows to move to the next/previous item.
  • Directly upload files or drag them to the Item.