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  2. For clients
  3. Sharing a list with colleagues

Adding colleagues

Do you want to share lists with colleagues? This is how it works.

Lists received from your accountant can be shared with your colleagues. You can find detailed information on sharing in the article titled Sharing a List with Colleagues.

To share lists or projects with your colleagues, they must have or be granted access to YouProvide. The process for this is explained in this article.

Adding new users

You have the ability to add new colleagues to YouProvide at any time through the Users menu. Additionally, you can set the desired role (and therefore permissions) for each colleague. 

When creating a new user, fill in their basic details. The user will receive an email containing a link to activate their account, set a password, and more.


Users can have two roles:

  • ClientUser
  • ClientAdmin

The table below outlines the rights associated with each role. Users can also have both roles.

Function ClientAdmin ClientUser
Assign Project, List, Section or Item to colleague X  
Share Project or List through email X  
Modify or delete Users X  
Download List to Excel X  
Download all files from Project or List X  
Access to all uploaded files in all items X  
Download files at Section or Item level for all items X  
Download files at Section or Item level for only assigned items   X
Modify assigned items   X

Sharing lists with new colleagues

To share a project or list with colleagues, the colleague does not need to be already created in YouProvide. If you share with an -unknown to the system- email address, a user will be automatically created. They will then be assigned the ClientUser role:

The colleague will receive an email with a link to the list or project, including a link to activate their new account.

You can always adjust user roles in the Users menu afterward, or delete and deactivate users if they no longer need access to the system.