Different types of users

There are several users involved in setting up, sharing, and filling out PBC lists. Learn how to organize this effectively.

User Types

The main distinction lies in the type of user:

  • Audit Firm employee
  • Client user

Every user in YouProvide falls into one of these groups. Combining them is not possible, as the type of user determines how your screen looks and which functions you can use.


Not every user needs to perform the same tasks. Roles are available for both audit firm employees and client users to determine their responsibilities:

Audit firm employees

Role Explanation
UserManager Adding, removing, and managing employees
TemplateManager Managing templates


Managing clients
ListManager Important updates to lists, such as sharing (first time) and closing lists
User All other functions

Client users

Role Explanation
ClientAdministrator All options available to clients
ClientUser Submitting files

The exact functional permissions are listed on the  Gebruikersrechten page.

Adding Users

New users can be added in various ways in YouProvide. You can simply add a user to the user list, or by sharing a project or list with an email address that is not yet known in YouProvide.

Method Explanation
Manual entry (or import) by audit firm employee

An audit firm employee needs to have the UserManager role in order to do this. You can only add firm employees and choose to assign roles and clients to them.

This is the only way to add firm employees.

Sharing a project by audit firm employee

If a firm employee shares a project with a non-existing email address, the system will create a new user for this purpose. This user will always be a client user with the ClientAdministrator role.

The principle of YouProvide is that customers manage their user accounts themselves. So, when sharing a project with a new client for the first time, the user who performs the sharing action must also become the Admin for that client.

Manual entry by ClientAdministrator

When a client user with the ClientAdministrator role adds new users to the list, they will always be created as client users and automatically linked to the same client as the user who creates them. The role can be set as desired during this process.

Sharing a project or list by client user

When a client user shares a project or list with a non-existing email address, a new client user is created with the role of ClientUser. This user will be linked to the same client as the user who initiated the sharing action.