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  2. For firms providing services

Release notes

What changes are found in the latest release?

Release: August 6, 2024

Update to version YP2406

Niew features

  • Tooltip showing age of most recent comment/upload on badges:

  • Tooltip showing detailed info on homepage progress bar:


  • Import of projects from previous YouProvide version now accepts empty Section Codes
  • Update e-mail sometimes contained incorrect name in email body salutation

Release: July 9, 2024

Update to version YP2405


  • If an uploaded file has a file name that is too long (max 100 characters), a notification will be displayed.

  • Users can now remove a self-added section from a list while preserving the previous audit trail.

  • Lists in concept status can now be deleted while retaining the previous audit trail.

  • If special characters are present in a list, section, or item name, the zip file with the download files will continue to function correctly.

  • When deleting a user, a clearer error message will be shown if it's not possible due to the user's previous activities (you can then deactivate the user to maintain the audit trail).

  • Completed English translation of the Knowledge Base

Release: May 29, 2024

Update to version YP2404

New features

  • Tooltips for clients on the buttons for Not Available and Submit Item
  • New PDF guide for clients, available in both NL and EN (see User Guide for Clients)
  • Visible error messages in case of unsuccessful import of Template or List
  • Validation of existing client code when creating a new client


  • Improvements in removing Clients and Projects that have not been shared

  • Download buttons are disabled during download

Previous version

Two adjustments have been made in the previous version of YouProvide in preparation for the transition to the new version:

  • Starting from June 17, regular users are no longer able to create new lists. Only a user with the "AccountantAdmin" role can do this.
  • Existing list groups can now be exported for transition to the new version, even if they are still shared. They will be exported as blank lists, just like list groups in concept or completed status. This allows you to start transferring lists before they are finalized in the old version.

Release: April 15, 2024

Update to version YP2403

New features

  • Color code in sections list: Both the client user and the tenant user can see section progress by means of a color code on the section. Every section is coded according to the item in the section with the least progress.
  • Item color code for concept status: When a list has been shared, (new) items with concept status are marked with a black color code. This way you can easily identify items that the client cannot yet see.
  • Check on valid email address: When sharing a project or list, the system checks for a valid email address. Of course it is still possible to select an existing user too.
  • Error on project import: When importing a project from the previous version of YouProvide returns an error, the error message is displayed.
  • List update from Excel: When importing a list from Excel updates an existing item, also the values for deadline and AllowMultipleFiles are now updated.
  • Deadline date color: Deadlines are displayed in accent color from 7 days in advance. This used to be from the deadline date itself.


  • Deleting a Client or Project: Clients can be deleted as long as there are no projects for that client. Projects can be deleted as long as they have the status Concept.
  • Items supplied by client cannot be modified: When a client has supplied an item, it was still possible to add additional upload files. This has been fixed. Clients can now only add comments to supplied items.

Release: March 1, 2024

Update to versie YP2402

New features

  • Add list to an existing project: if you have a project with some entities missing, or there is a new entity, you can now add a new, empty list into the project. Next, you can use the export/import function to add sections and items into the new list.
  • Employeess linked to clients, have automatically access to all projects of that client. When creating a new project you don't have to select users anymore. All employees linked to the client are considered the client's team and they can access the project. In the project, you can still share with other employees and client users.


  • Browsing through sections of a list showed empty items. This has been resolved.
  • When a new items was added to a list that was already shared, it did not show up without refreshing the page. This has been resolved.

Bugfix: Februari 1, 2024

Update to fix version YP2401.1

  • Deleting users is less vulnerable to issues with Azure B2C authentication issues. Note: once a user has been linked to projects, it cannot be deleted. Better is to make the user inactive in those situations.
  • Editing user properties (name, display name, inactive) caused errors. This has been resolved.

Release: Januari 18, 2024

Update to release YP2401

  • Import of projects from previous YouProvide app has been included
  • Projects will be archived 30 days after they have been set to completed
  • Support menu-option links to release notes

Release: Januari 9, 2024

Update to production version 1.0

Following features are not yet available:

  • automated summary e-mails (daily or weekly)
  • automated deadline reminder e-mails to client users
  • import of projects from previous version of YouProvide